SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Cry of the Sea (The)

Genre : Biography
Type : Documentary
Original title : Série "Femmes battantes 2" | Call of the Sea (The)
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2008
Format : Short
Running time : 26 (in minutes)

A Senegalese fishing village that cannot live off the sea any more after fishing licenses were sold to the EU fights against illegal emigration - against all odds.

The "cry of the Sea" is the struggle of a mother, Yaye Bayam DIOUF, who lost her only son in a dugout (or boat) for the Canary Islands. Today, all her life in "Thiaroye sur Mer" is devoted to fight against clandestine immigration. The "Cry of the Sea" is also a heartfelt cry, a singular point of view on a plague which has carried more than three thousand young Senegaleses.

by Aïcha Thiam | Senegal, Belgium 2008 | 26:00 min.


2009 | Real Life Documentary Film Festival | ACCRA, Ghana | www.ka-yelema.org
* Sélection


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

With the support of