SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle

Zanzibar International Film Festival 2009 : le palmarès

  • Zanzibar International Film Festival 2009 : le palmarès
Genre : Palmarès
Pays principal concerné : Rubrique : Cinéma/tv
Mois de Sortie : Juin 2009
Publié le : 06/07/2009

palmarès 2009 :

GOLDEN DHOW long métrage : JERUSALEMA (Ralph ZIMAN, Afrique du Sud)


BEST SHORT - meilleur court : WARAMUTSEHO (Bernard Auguste KOUEMO, Fr/Cam)

BEST DOCUMENTARY - meilleur docu : BILAL (Sourav Sarangi, Inde)


mention : AFRICAN TALES (5 shorts / 5 courts - production Imruh Bakari, Tanzanie)

UNICEF award : MOTHERS UNKNOW (Taghreed Elsanhouri, Soudan)

Le jury était composé de Annamaria Gallone, George Mc Bean, Maria Suringi, Guido Huysmans


Special Commendations

1) With its sensitive portrayal of life and traditions in a simple community, this film shows the triumph of love and freedom of choice, truth and reconciliation, over corruption, materialism and abuse of power. This Special Commendation goes to the film MAH SAH SAH by Daniel Kamwa (Cameroun)

2) This film powerfully shows that evil is evil, and that revenge can never be justified by the inordinate use of religion. Through the wise words of a father, a son realizes that for the world to truly be at peace and freed from hatred, forgiveness must be given a chance. The second commendation goes to GO IN PEACE JAMIL by Omar Sharawi


An excellently made film that shows a courageous journey of two children forced to survive the cruelty and violence of the urban jungle in search of hope and dignity. This journey, driven by spiritual strength and childlike faith in providence, leads them to human solidarity that enables them to overcome all obstacles, to recognize the innate goodness in others, and finally to discover within themselves the power to see the world and their future with new eyes. The SIGNIS AWARD goes to…

IZULU LAMI (My secret Sky) by Madoda Ncayiyana


In Africa, disability, like all other "differences", is very often seen as a sickness and leaves those who are concerned as victims of prejudice and stigma by their society and families. This film which is an achievement in cinema language and techniques is a call to fight for human rights and to encourage support and perseverance to change people's mind and to live with dignity.

Therefore the SIGNIS East African Award goes to

SUWI (Faith) by Cathrine Musola - ZAMBIA

ZIFF 2009 Selected Films

* A Crack in the Wall (Premier)
2008, Dir: Philippe Talavera, Namibia, 99mins
* A Tempestade (The Storm) (Premier)
2008, Dir: Orlando Mesquita, Mozambique, 24mins
* Absurdistan
2008, Dir: Veit Helmer, Germany/Azerbaijan, 87mins
* Africa Rising (Premier)
2008, Dir: Paula Heredia, USA, 62mins
* Africa Underground: Democracy in Dakar
2008, Dir: Magee McIlvaine, Ben Herson, Chris Moore, USA, 65mins
* All the World's a Stage (Africa Premier)
2008, Dir: Nirmal Chander, India, 59mins
* Among Ourselves
2008, Dir: Ibrahim Abla, Egypt, 19mins
* Bilal
2009, Dir: Sourav Sarangi, India, 52mins
* Bridge the Gap: Tanzania (Premier)
2009, Dir: Chris Bashinelli, Tanzania/USA, 18mins
* Cinema in Sudan: Conversations with Gadalla Gubara
2008, Dir: Frederique Cifuentes, France/UK, 52mins
* Congo My Foot
2008, Dir: Okepne Ojang, Cameroon, 27mins
* Connecting Delta Cities
2009, Dir: Ellen Davis, Netherlands, 42mins
* Frida Finden (Finding Frida) (Africa Premier)
2008, Dir: Johannes Disselhoff, Germany, 23mins
* gObama 2008: Generation X Strikes Back (World Premier)
2008, Dir: Rahman Satti, Germany, 52mins
* od Loves Sinners
2008, Dir: Nami Mlongo, South Africa, 22mins
* Godforsaken (World Premiere)
2009, Dir: Jamil Dehlavi, Pakistan, 90mins
* Gospel Hill (Premier)
2008, Dir: Giancario Esposito, USA, 98mins
* Houna & Manny
2009, Dir: Jared Katsiane, USA, 10mins
* I Want a Wedding Dress
2008, Dir: Tsitsi Dangarembga, Zimbabwe, 25mins
* Imani (World Premier)
2009, Dir: Caroline Kamya, Uganda
* Impedimento (Offside) (Premier)
2008, Dir: Joffre F Silva, Brazil, 85mins
* In Our Shoes
2008, Dir: HRMC Collective, South Africa, 41mins
* Izulu Lami (My Secret Sky) (Opening Film, Premier)
2008, Dir: Madoda Ncayiyana, South Africa, 93mins
* Jerusalema
2008, Dir: Ralph Ziman, South Africa, 120mins
* Kau La Poho: Ho Se Tsebe Ke Lebote (When Ignorance is not Bliss) (Premier)
2008, Dir: Silas Monyatsi, Lesotho, 17mins
* Keiskamma (A story of Love)
2007, Dir: Miki Redelinghuys, South Africa, 90mins
* Kiwiliwili cha Moto (Body on Fire)
2008, Dir: Maria Sarungi Tsehai, Tanzania, 13mins
* Koluszki Blues (Nowhere Blues)
2009, Dir: Bartosz Warwas, Poland, 18mins
* La Paloma: The Melody for Longing Worldwide
2008, Dir: Sigrid Faltin, Germany, 86mins
* Les Eaux (The Waters)
2008, Dir: Kapwani Kiwangwa, France, 15mins
* Les Feux de Mansaré (Premier)
2008, Dir: Mansour Sora Wade, Senegal, 85mins
* Lesh Sabreen
2008, Dir: Muayad Alayan, Palestine, 20mins
* Les Egares de Hemisphere Sud (Lost in the South)
2009, Dir: Daddy Ruhorahoza, Rwanda, 17mins
* Love in the Time of Gum
2008, Dir: Ibrahim Abla, Egypt, 11mins
* Magic Radio
2007, Dir: Luc Peter, Stephanie Barbey, Switzerland/Niger, 54mins
* Mâh Saah-Sah (Premier)
2007, Dir: Daniel Kamwa, Cameroon, 91mins
* Mama Dory
2008, Dir: Kiagho Kilonzo, Tanzania, 4mins
* Mapule's Choice (Premier)
2008, Dir: Kaizer Matsumunyane, Lesotho, 24mins
* Mawazo
2008, Dir: Nina Mnaya, Tanzania, 13mins
* Mere Bi
2008, Dir: William Mbaye, Senegal, 54mins
* Messias: Delicadamente Nobre (Messiah: Gently Noble)
2008, Dir: Cecilia Lang, Brazil, 22mins
* Mon Histoire... Papy (My History... Papy)
2007, Dir: Tunda Wa Munga, DRC, 53mins
* Mtego wa Panya (The Rat Trap)
2008, Dir: Kimela Billa, Tanzania, 13mins
* Mwalimu - The Legacy of Julius Bambarage Nyerere
2009, Dir: Lekoko P. Ole Levilal, Tanzania, 52mins
* Najiuzulu
2009, Dir: Kiagho Kilonzo, Tanzania, 4mins
* Of Journeys, Home & Treasures (Premier)
200?, Dir: Feizel Mamdoo, South Africa, 72mins
* Payday
2008, Dir: Charles Kuria, Kenya, 19mins
* Peace Mission
2008, Dir: Dorothee Wenner, Germany, 80mins
* Peace One Day
2004, Dir: Jeremy Gilley, USA, 80mins
* Rain
2008, Dir: Maria Govan, Bahamas, 90mins
* Risasi Kidole (World Premier)
2008, Dir: Kiagho Kilonzo, Tanzania, 23mins
* Rough Cut (African Premier)
2007, Dir: Firoweh Khosrovani, Iran, 22mins
* Sabar
2008, Dir: Chike C. Nwoffiah, USA/Nigeria, 105mins
* Sa'et Asary (At Day's End)
2006, Dir: Sherif El Bendary, Egypt, 35mins
* Sea Point Days
2009, Dir: Francois Verster, South Africa, 93mins
* Seasons of a Life
2007, Dir: Charles Shemu Joyah, Malawi, 90mins
* Secrets & Lies (Premier)
2008, Dir: Vincent Moloi, South Africa, 24mins
* Sektou (They Stopped Speaking) (Premier)
2009, Dir: Khaled Banaissa, Algeria, 17mins
* Sharing Day
2008, Dir: Tsitsi Dangarembga, Zimbabwe, 20mins
* Siku ya Kustaafu (Retirement Day)
2008, Dir: James Gayo, Tanzania, 13mins
* Silence (Premier)
2009, Dir: Rauja Amin, Egypt, 4mins
* Soul Train
2008, Dir: Thabo Bruno Mokoena, South Africa, 10mins
* Supermodel (Premier)
2009, Dir: Nasir Mohamed, Tanzania, 90mins
* Suwi (Faith) (World Premier)
2009, Dir: Cathrine Musola, Zambia, 90mins
* Tapologo
2008, Dir: Gabriela & Sally Gutierrez Dewar, South Africa, 95mins
* The Business Trip
2008, Dir: Neema Kambona, Tanzania, 13mins
* The Crimson Wing
2008, Dir: Matthew Aeberhard, Leander Ward, USA, 74mins
* The Dance for Wives
2009, Dir: Paul Ekuru, Kenya, 17mins
* The Kolaborator
2007, Dir: Chris Bessounian, Australia/Romania, 14mins
* The Rise & Fall of Miss Thang (Africa Premier)
2008, Dir: Stacie E Hawkins, USA, 90mins
* The Sacred Dancer
2008, Dir: Diego D'Innocenzo, Italy, 30mins
* Through My Eyes
2008, Dir: Shams Banji, Uganda, 64mins
* Twisted
2008, Dir: Victor Njuguna, Kenya, 17mins
* Unknown Mother
2009, Dir: Taghreed Elsanhouri, Sudan, 48mins
* Unseen, Unsung, Unforgotten
2008, Dir: Mona Ombogo-Scott, Kenya, 115mins
* Unsung Heroines
2008, Dir: Mary Mugishagwe, Tanzania, 90mins
* Usipoziba Ufa (World Premier)
2009, Dir: Chande Omar, Tanzania, 28mins
* Warahutseho!
2009, Dir: Auguste Bernard Koueho, Cameroon, 21mins
* X
2008, Dir: Suuna Peter, Uganda, 1min
* Yindabad
2007, Dir: Roi Guitian & Mar Aguso, Spain, 57mins


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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