SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle

Pan African Film Festival de Los Angeles - PAFF 2014

22ème édition.
Pan African Film Festival de Los Angeles - PAFF 2014
Genre : Festival | Los Angeles

Du jeudi 06 au lundi 17 février 2014

Horaires : 00:00
Pays principal concerné : Rubrique : Cinéma/tv

Le meilleur des cinémas issus d'Afrique et de sa Diaspora, aux USA et dans le monde entier. Le PAFF est le plus grand festival de Cinéma africain américain aux Etats-Unis dédié à la projections de films du Monde Noir. The best of films from people of African descent in the US & around the world. PAFF is the largest African American film festival in the United States dedicated to the exhibition of Black films. Each year PAFF exhibits more than 150 films made in the U.S., Africa, Europe, the Caribbean, the South Pacific, Latin America and Canada. In 2013, around 35,000 people from both the Industry and the public attended PAFF. 2014 Films The Pan African Film Festival thanks all the filmmakers for their submissions. Below is the list of film selections for 2014. All short and feature films that will screen at PAFF this year are listed together below in alphabetical order. Web series & Pilots are listed on the New Media fest page. Films with an asterisk(*) contain adult content. …and a bag of chip… A Different Tree A Lovely Day A Man Called God About Last Night Adamt American Beatboxer American Promise And Then There Was Y… And Then…* Anita: Speaking Trut… Audre Lorde: The Ber… Auntie Azú* B for Boy Bahamian Son Bash, The Between Friends (Ith… Bicycle, The Big Men Black Che, the First… Black Coffee Black and Cuba Blackbird Blood Tokoloshe Blue Caprice Boarder, The Bounty Brothers Hypnotic Bug Bully, The Burning Down Burnt Forest Cakes Da Killa: No H… Chicken Soup* Children's Republic,… Choices Clean Hands Confusion Na Wa Crossing The Line Cuba: An African Ody… Culture Over Everyth… Curators Volume 1, T… Daddy and Me Dance Up From the St… Dancing Like Home Danger Word Daughter of Fortune Daughters of the Nig… Death of a Wizard Desi Holiday Diaries of an Immigr… Dream: Martin Luther… Erroll Garner: No On… Felix Finding Samuel Lowe:… Finding the Funk For the Cause Forgotten Kingdom, T… Four of Hearts* Freedom Road Freedom Summer From Above (formerly… Funkquaria Rising Girl With Big Eyes Go for Sisters God Loves Uganda Goodnight My Love Great Kilapy, The Grigris Haleema Hawa Heaven* Hitting the Waves Horizon Beautiful I Am a Man: Black Ma… Imma Hustle Girl "Th… In Between Life In Our Heads About O… In Search of the Bla… In the Meantime Inner City Champions Jaimeo Brown's Trans… Kadjike Kampala Story, The KanyeKanye (The Line… Khumba Kingston Paradise Kwaku Ananse La Playa D.C. Last Song Before the… Learning How to Read… Lessons of Hayti, Th… Let the Fire Burn Lives of LaMott Atki… Living & Loving … Living Funeral Longing Lost & Found in … Love Thy Neighbor Lunch with Jeremiah Magic City, The Manifesto Meeting, The Melvin & Jean: A… Mountains Will Move Mr. Pullum's Class My American Fund My Zaphira (Moi Zaph… Nehemiah New Black, The Nigga… Nigga… NI… Ninah's Dowry No Child Left Depriv… North Star, The Of Good Report One Night in Vegas Painted Lady Papilio Buddha Parts of Disease (Di… Passage Perfect Day Pieces of Lives, Pie… Price of Memory, The Promise, The Raltat Red Reflections Unheard:… Render to Caesar Retrieval, The Sable Fable Saya: Dance and Surv… Scrapper Second Burial: Survi… Security Sketch Skin, The Small Small Thing Something Necessary Son Shine Sons of Africa Sparkle Speed Dial Stand Stone Cars Successor of Katunga… Suspect, The Tango Negro, The Afr… Thank You Card The African Cypher They Are We Thorn of the Rose, T… Through a Lens Darkl… Thula Til Infinity: The So… Titus Toussaint Louverture Trace, The Tula the Revolt Twaaga Two Stories of Adama… Umunthu: An African … Undefiled Undercover Unspoken Urban Rhythm Victim of Circumstan… Village of Peace, Th… Voicemail Volunteer, The Water Gives, Water T… We Won't Bow Down Where Ya At Women West Indies Di… Yellow Fever Zarafa 1982 Location: Rave Cinemas 15 Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza Excecutive Director of the Pan African Film Festival : Mr Ayuko Babu Established in 1992, The Pan African Film Festival (PAFF) is a non-profit corporation dedicated to the promotion of cultural and racial tolerance and understanding through the exhibition of film, art and creative expression.

Événements récurrents

1 fiches


5 fiches


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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