SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle

Mireille Le Breton

Mireille Le Breton
Poète, Universitaire, Chercheur/se
Pays principal concerné : Rubrique : Littérature / édition, Histoire/société, Poésie / conte

Mireille earned a M.A. from the University of Maryland, at College Park, in French and Francophone Literatures and a DEA from Caen University, France, in English and American philology. She studied at the lycée Fénelon, Paris, France (Lettres Supérieures Classiques, option musique) and at the University of East-Anglia, Norwich, UK, before spending a year as an exchange student at the University of Delaware (UDel), where she delved into 20th century literature and film studies.
This year spent at UDel was a cornerstone in her literary studies as well as the first step she took in exploring the field of applied linguistics and more specifically that of French Second Language Acquisition theory. She plans to build bridges between Literatures, Cultures and the Arts in the classroom, when she teaches at Stanford.
Mireille spent the first six years of her life in Algeria, which might give an explanation for her sound attraction to African literatures and cultures. She is particularly interested in nomadism, diaspora, and deracination in contemporary migrant literatures.
Mireille published critical articles on 20th century French Literature (Beckett's first-person novels) and Film studies (Truffaut's filmmaking). She publishes poetry in the United States and in the United-Kingdom. Mireille is a member of the Stanford Philosophical Reading Group.


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