WOMEX runs on the last October weekend of every year. Starting on a Wednesday afternoon from 14:00 with early-bird registration and a sneak preview to the Trade Fair followed by the WOMEX Opening night with the first Showcases. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday come the principal days with the full Conference, Film Market, Trade Fair and Showcase programmes. Sunday hosts the networking breakfast and celebrated WOMEX Award ceremony. It's the last opportunity to make contacts and wind down with a leisurely drink and a final good-bye.
Wed 27 Oct from 14 h " Early-bird registration, Trade Fair stand set-up, Opening night with first Showcase/s
Thu 28 Oct from 9 h, Fri 29 Oct from 10 h, Sat 30 Oct from 10 h" Registration, Trade Fair, Conference and Film Market, Showcases, offWOMEX
Sun 31 Oct 10 h -14 h " Networking Breakfast, WOMEX Awards Ceremony
Trade Fair : Open from Wednesday 14:00 and closing on Saturday 18:00, the Trade Fair is the nerve centre of WOMEX. This is where the international world music community meets to do business: artists, festivals, labels, distributors, umbrella stands, music companies and more. For set up and take down hours please refer to the Trade Fair page.
Conference : Each year the programme is designed to serve the industry's ongoing need for education, exchange and inspiration. Seminars, mentoring, training, information - keep up with the changes, trends and innovations. Colleagues and special guests offer can't-miss sessions that help delegates navigate the uncharted new waters of the music industry.
Film Market : Showcasing the film and TV market for world music, the screenings are selected by the International Music and Media Centre IMZ (Austria). Plus WOMEX World Music Films on Tour is your chance to book the best of recent films for your event.
Showcases : With the official Showcases, offWOMEX, Opening and Award Showcase, more than 40 acts from everywhere and anywhere are highlighted at WOMEX. The latest, the greatest and the up-and-coming, all at a single event.
Awards : The prestigious annual WOMEX Awards honour quality, creativity and success in global music on the international level. The WOMEX Top Label Award goes to the chart-topping label voted by Europe's best world music DJ's (World Music Charts Europe).
"The most important international professional market of world music of every kind. This international fair brings together professionals from the worlds of folk, roots, ethnic and traditional music and also includes concerts, conferences and documentary films. It contributes to networking as an effective means of promoting music and culture of all kinds across frontiers."
UNESCO Global Alliance for Cultural Diversity