AfricAvenir présente Fatal Assistance, de Raoul Peck
En partenariat avec Africiné. Friday, 23 May 2014, 20h00, Hackesche Höfe Kino. Following the screening, an open discussion with Demba Moussa Dembele (Forum Africain des Alternatives) and a small reception.
Fatal Assistance (Assistance Mortelle) de Raoul Peck Long Métrage Documentaire, Haiti/France/USA/Belgique, 2013, 99 min, VOST avec commentaires en allemand et sous-titrage, DCP
Jeudi 23 mai 2014 20:00 heures Entrée: 7,50 € Réductions: Berlinpass, Gildepass, Heavy User Card, Carte du 5 ou 10 billets peuvent être utilisées à deux
Projection suivie d'une discussion avec Demba Moussa Dembele (Forum Africain des Alternatives) ainsi que d'une petite réception dans le hall.
Tickets et Informations 030/ 283 4603
Hackesche Höfe Kino Rosenthalerstr. 40/41 10187 Berlin S Hackescher Markt U Weinmeisterstraße
Soutenez nos projets par une donation AfricAvenir International e.V. Badische Beamtenbank BLZ 66 09 08 00 Kto 00 16 72 13 03
On Friday, 23 May 2014 at 8 pm, AfricAvenir in cooperation with Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation, Dafrid, SODI and the Center for Research and Documentation Chile-Latin America (FDCL) invites you to the screening of the award-winning documentary „Fatal Assistance"(Assistance Mortelle, German version) by Raoul Peck. 12 January, 2010. A devastating earthquake shakes Haiti's capital. In an instant 250,000 people are killed and 1.2 million left homeless. NGOs from all over the world send experts for critical relief efforts. At first, everyone has high hopes: at an international donors' conference billions of dollars are pledged and the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC), co-chaired by Bill Clinton, is created to oversee worldwide solidarity efforts. But, two-and-a-half years later, you only have to set foot in Port-au-Prince to see the international community has failed. Hundreds of thousands are still living in tents; the IHRC is as good as dead and only a fraction of the funds pledged have arrived in Haiti. Filmed over two years, Haitian born filmmaker Raoul Peck's documentary tries to find out how, in spite the international community's promises, the needs of ten million people in the Caribbean came to be met in such a paltry fashion. He questions political decision-makers, private contractors and engineers - and of course ordinary Haitian people, who have begun a painstaking reconstruction of their own.
"Peck does not criticise the helpers, mostly motivated and intelligent experts. It is the absurd structures in which they are captured. Peck has added radical poetic lyrics to his images (…)"Der Tagesspiegel
"Direct and indirect power relations between North and South are the core topics of most of Raoul Peck's movies. (…) And it is always about dignity. Fatal Assistance, too, is the appeal to meet Haitians, and not only them, with solidarity instead of paternalism."Die Zeit
Following the screening there will be an open discussion with Demba Moussa Dembele (Forum Africain des Alternatives) as well as a small reception in the foyer.
This screening is jointly organised by AfricAvenir and Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation, Dafrid and SODI and in cooperation with Center for Research and Documentation Chile-Latin America, Africiné, SEV-Magazin, Zentrum Moderner Orient, Club der Freunde von RFI, Berlin Poche,, Exberliner, radio, Art Labour Archives, Planète Métis, ISD, Berlinda, AfroHeat, Contemporary& and Latein Amerika Forum (LAF).
Director Born 1953 in Haiti, grown up in Zaire, vocational training in France, USA and studies at the TU Berlin (1974 - 1982), then at the DFFB where he graduated in 1988. The best-known of his movies are "L'homme sur les Quais", "Lumumba", "Sometimes in April" on the genocide in Rwanda. His most recent movie "Moloch Tropical" was shown 2009 in Berlin and Toronto. From 1996 - 1997 Raoul Peck was minister for culture in Haiti. 2002, he was member of the International Berlinale-Jury, 2012 of the competition jury of Cannes. For his complete works he received the Irene Diamond Award, presented by Human Rights Watch. Since 2010 he is the head of the board of the film school La Fémis in Paris.
Fatal Assistance (Assistance Mortelle) Haiti, France, USA, Belgium 2013, 99 min. D. Raoul Peck DCP, original with German commentary, partly subtitled
Friday, 23 May 2014 8 pm Admission: 7,50€ Reduced: Berlinpass, collective tickets for 5 or 10 visits can be used by two, Gildepass, Heavy User Card
Hackesche Höfe Kino Rosenthaler Str. 40/41 10178 Berlin S Hackescher Markt U Weinmeisterstraße
Tickets & Information 030 283 46 03
For further information
Support us with a donation AfricAvenir International e.V. Badische Beamtenbank BLZ 66 09 08 00 Kto 00 16 72 13 03
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