SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle

Yelen - La lumière - The light

Genre : Album
Date de sortie : Vendredi 20 juin 2008
Pays principal concerné : Rubrique : Musique


1- Eh ! eh! eh! !eh !
A sensitive song to denounce excision.

2- Yelema
Yelema means "change": the change can not be done in corruption.Corruption is the disease of Africa, worse than malaria, famine, AIDS. Africa does not lack resources but sincere and committed leaders.

3- 4Love
A call for love and understanding among peoples of the world.

4- B52
Denounces modern slavery of children

5- Onadon Dondola
"Despite his gold and his power, no king is eternal": A bad leader will not deceive the people all his life.

6- Enfants soldats
Denounces the problem of Child soldier that still raging in the world today.

7- Kouma
Praise to the floor so that finally be given to the youth and women.

8- Little Girls from Africa
English version of Eh ! eh ! eh ! eh !

9- Mariage forçé
The problem of marriages is being done without the consent of girls is still current. This practice is an affront to the dignity and freedom of women

10- Iyooh !
Iyooh spoke of wars and their disastrous effects, and more particularly the one that gave El Hadji Oumar king of Macina, to convert the Bambara kingdom of Segou to Islam in the nineteenth century.

11- Balla Moussa Keïta
The title pays homage to the actor, comedian and presenter, who all his life actively participated in the radiance of Malian culture. He played especially in one of the famous African film "Finye" (The Wind), of the Malian filmmaker, Souleymane Cisse.


1 fiches


2 fiches


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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