SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle

Afro-Pfingsten Festival 2012

23nd edition
  • Afro-Pfingsten Festival 2012
Genre : Festival | Winterthur

Du mercredi 23 au lundi 28 mai 2012

Horaires : 00:00
Pays principal concerné : Rubrique : Musique, Cinéma/tv, Danse, Histoire/société, Artisanat d'art

For more informations go to [ici]

Friday, 25th May: Reggae Night
Jimmy Cliff (Jamaica)
Finally! The great master of Reggae is coming to the Afro-Pfingsten Festival! Bringing along his evergreen hits "The harder they come"or "I can see clearly now", he invites Winterthur to come together for an unforgettable "Reggae-Night"

Tiken Jah(Ivory Coast)
With his album "African Revolution", the courageous Ivorian star performs at the Afro-Pfingsten Festival for the forth time. His African Reggae and critical lyrics bring feelings of revolution to Winterthur

Stephen Marley (Jamaica)
Pure Reggae runs through his vains. It is from his father, that Stephen Marley inherits his extra-ordinary talent. With his album "The Root of Life", the 38-year-old brings the Jamaican way of life onto the big stage in Winterthur.

Rootz Underground (Jamaica)

For the very first time, this Jamaican Reggae band visits us at the Afro-Pfingsten Festival. The roots sound mixes with various music styles and takes you on a journey between tradition and modernity

Phenomden & The Scrucialists (Switzerland)
The poster boy of the Swiss Reggae scene is skilled at combining Jamaican music with Swiss German lyrics. With Caribbean easygoingness and his inexhaustible energy, he infects you with the Swiss Reggae virus.

Saturday, 26th May: Noche Latina
Ruzzo & Roldan (Orishas) (Kuba)
Spectacular world premiere: Ruzzo and Roldan are the strong-voiced members of the former band Orishas. They perform new and known Orishas songs and start their next triumphal procession around the globe at our festival in Winterthur.

Henry Santos (Aventura) (Dominican Republic)

The lead singer of the former hit group Aventura begins his solo career and celebrates his Europe premiere at the festival. Henry Santos uses the formula for success of Aventura and presents Bachata better than ever

Fuego (USA/Dominikanische Republik)
The Afro-Pfingsten Festival presents an exciting new discovery: Fuego, who takes top class Latin-Pop and Reggaeton to the stage. Since 2010, the American artist with Dominican roots tours the world with his album "La Musica del Futuro"

AfroCubism feat. Eliades Ochoa (Kuba/Mali)
This band is the result of a geografically surprising but musically most convincing liaison of artists and styles. As the name indicates, AfroCubism fuses Cuban sounds with traditional music from Africa

Picason (Switzerland)
Picason is one of the few bands outside of Cuba, that were able to win fame with modern and highbrow Cuban music. With a broad variety of instruments, the group ensures that everybody in the audience starts to dance.

Sunday AN, 27th May: Acoustic Africa
Cheikh Lô (Senegal/Burkina Faso)
Cheikh Lô's music is a melting pot of diverse genres and styles. Hardly any other artist understands fusing so many different forms of melodies into one unique piece of art as this man from Burkina Faso does

Daby Touré (Mauritania)

The exceptionally gifted guitarist and singer with the touching voice gives his debut at the Afro-Pfingsten Festival. The Mauretanian is known for his fusion of African and Western music.

Sara Tavares (Portugal/Cape Verde Islands)

The Portuguese singer represents her country at the Eurovision Song Contest in 1994. She goes on a spiritual journey to her Capeverdean roots and and presents her gentle side for the first time in Winterthur.

Sunday, 27th May: African Night
Touré Kunda (Senegal)
In the past 25 years, the band Touré Kunda has proven to be able to produce hits just like Western Rock and Pop musicians. In 1980, they reached the top of the charts in Europe with their song "E'mma"

Mory Kanté (Guinea)
The exceptional artist returns to the Afro-Pfingsten Festival and brings his new CD along, which he commends as a tribute to the African woman. This thoroughbred musician takes you on a journey to his roots.

Angélique Kidjo (Benin) feat. Vusi Mahlasela
The charismatic singer returns to Winterthur! In her current show, Kidjo pays tribute to her role model Miriam Makeba: The concert is a homage to Mama Africa, who would have been 80 years old this year.

Nubya (Switzerland)

The strong-voiced Soul singer debuts at the Afro-Pfingsten Festival in Winterthur with her latest album "Today". The obviously matured and reflective Nubya delights with very personal songs.

Événements récurrents

1 fiches


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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