SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Cesar Paes

Cesar Paes
© courtesy Latérit Productions
Film director, Screenwriter, Director of photography (d.o.p.), Editor
Principal country concerned : Column : Theater, Cinema/tv

Brazilian Scriptwriter, Film Director and Director of Photography.

Marie-Clémence and Cesar Paes
Taking the time to look and reach out to the other

Their films allow poetry to speak out, and arouse this very emotion which awakens awareness and joyfully nurtures us. Marie-Clémence and Cesar Paes make committed and serious statements, but doing so, they put us into a half-awoken dream where it is not essential to grasp at things at once, since the presence of the people, the colour, the rhythm and the relevance of their discourse will remain within us, since the traces left by their films are working underground and, suddenly, question us with a healthy disturbing shivering. The approach chosen by the Paes is based on respect for the subject, and the time they take to get closer, to listen, can fundamentally be found in their restitution of reality. Since their films mainly focus on oral literature, cinema stands as the only suitable support to rightly transmit the words of the story tellers, allowing the free flow of their imagination, of our imagination. Under the Paes eyes no trace of exoticism can be found, they train our own eyes, encouraging us to move out towards the other one and move inside within oneself. They simply make us a little more sensitive, more open, a little less cartesian.

by Martine Armand for the Fribourg international Film Festival

Source : www.laterit.fr


1 files


40 files


13 files


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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